Sorry about the recent lack of posts. Here’s what’s been going on:
I replaced the earring hardware and reshot all the earrings. Better photos! Relatively speaking. I learned a lot about various settings on my camera, but I think I missed a little on setting a custom white point. I’ll try it again soon, but these current photos are a big improvement over the previous ones. And then I repopulated McCord Works with all the new photos.
I’ve ordered glass for framing the doilies. When it comes in, I’ll have lots of reframing to do, but it’ll be worth it. They’re going to look fabulous, and then I’ll have to figure out how to photograph them.
I’m starting to do the hard work of actually contacting human beings about carrying the jewelry. Gah!
I’m seriously considering moving the blog, barely begun as it is, over to WordPress. Pro: more control and customization. Con: it’s a whole new set of technology that I have to learn. This will probably happen, but I’m not sure about the timing.
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