Wait lists!
They didn’t reject me, they put me on the wait list! This seems to be a trend, at least by my very limited experience. I got wait listed not only for a locally prominent event, but also for a locally prominent event in the next nearest large city in Texas. I’m not going to name names. If you know, you know. I also got wait listed for the next locally produced, but nationally recognized art show, after having participated in the most recent one. As was noted by another Houston artist, wait listed = local. The implication is that they’ll see which national artists will still talk to them and show with them, and then fill in the spaces with desperate locals who can gear up on short notice.
I will admit, the tactic does tend to reduce grumping on social media. (Yes, I’m using “grumping” as an adorable G-rated substitute term.) But it’s a pretty disrespectful way to go. If I’ve got my hopes pinned on making it off the wait list and into the show, I might pass up some other decent opportunities. But there’s no way of knowing where I am on a wait list. Am I seriously the next one to call if a jewelry artist drops out? Or are they just humoring me and trying to keep me from grumping about them in a public forum? If they’re doing the latter, they deserve the grumping.
I would prefer an actual rejection list and wait list. Information is good.
My next post will be about a show that does it right.
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